Rishab Balasubramanian

I am currently a first year PhD student at Virginia Tech, advised by Tu Vu. My research interests lie at the intersection of multimodal deep learning, efficiency and alignment. This includes data selection for pre-training, grounded representation learning, mechanistic interpretability, sparsity, model merging and distillation, and better model architectures. Previously, I worked with Huazheng Wang on adversarial attacks on bandit algorithms and the impact of ordering in recommendation systems. Before that I was a Data Scientist/Computer Vision Engineer at EndovisionAI. Here I worked on SLAM and Shape from Shading methods for reconstructing human anatomy using endoscope images. I was also a Research Assistant at MARMoT Laboratory, and the MOON Laboratory. I completed my Bachelor's (B.Tech) from the National Institute of Technology Tiruchirapalli (NIT-Trichy), India, where I was a part of RMI, the robotics club.

In my spare time, I enjoy the adrenaline of competition from playing video games (such as Dota 2, Rainbow Six Siege and Valorant) and competitive programming. I also contribute to open source (huggingface, pytorch lightning).

Email  /  CV  /  Github  /  Google Scholar

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NIT Trichy

NUS Singapore


Oregon State University

Virginia Tech


Research Work (Highlighted items include publications/preprints)

Adversarial Attacks on Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandits
Rishab Balasubramanian, Jiawei Li, Prasad Tadepalli, Huazheng Wang, Qingyun Wu, Haoyu Zhao
Accepted to ICML 2024

Adversarial Attacks on Online Learning to Rank with Stochastic Click Models
Zichen Wang, Rishab Balasubramanian, Hui Yuan, Chenyu Song, Mengdi Wang, Huazheng Wang
Accepted to TMLR

Multi-view reconstruction of Objects
Rishab Balasubramanian, Prasad Tadepalli

3D reconstruction from endoscopic images
Rishab Balasubramanian, EndovisionAi

Contrastive Learning for OOD in Object detection
Rishab Balasubramanian, Rupashree Dey, Kunal Rathore

Risk Averse Submodular Optimization for the Multi-Objective Travelling Salesman Problem
Rishab Balasubramanian, Lifeng Zhou, Pratap Tokekar, P.B.Sujit
Accepted to IROS 2021
video / code

Autonomous Mapping And Safe Footfall Planning For Hexapods
Rishab Balasubramanian, Sun Ge, Guillaume Sartoretti

Working on autonomous control of a legged robot to map a room using RTABMap Framework

Formation Control And Collision Avoidance For Multi-Agent Systems
Rishab Balasubramanian, Lalita Soundari, Prof. M Umapathy

Multi agent collision Avoidance using the Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA) Algorithm and comparison with other algorithms

A Cooperative Framework for Autonomous Landings of Quadrotors using Vision on a Moving UGV
Rishab Balasubramanian, P.B. Sujit
Accepted to AIAA SciTech 2021
code / slides / video

Real-Time American Sign Language To Text Conversion Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Rishab Balasubramanian, Ramasubba Reddy

abstract / code

Rishab Balasubramanian, Harishankar R, Aswin G, Harinaath Gopi

abstract / code

Simulated a dynamic ball-balancing robot, with point to point movement using a PID controller

Special thanks to Jon Barron for the website template